

姓名: 赵淳

职称: 副教授/硕士研究生导师


政治面目: 九三学社

学历: 工学博士

籍贯: 北京

个人主页: http://ismcs.cn/zhaochun.html

电话: 13311296283

Email: zhaochun@bistu.edu.cn


2018.12-2019.12 瑞典皇家理工学院 访问学者

2017.12-至今 北京信息科技大学 计算机学院 教师

2015.12-2016.03 德国慕尼黑联邦国防军大学 访问学者

2012.09-2017.11 北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院 博士研究生


主要从事智能制造与云制造、复杂产品建模与仿真、基于 FPGA 的信息物理融合系统等领域的研究与应用工作。从事软件开发及硬件设计工作二十余年,2012 年至 2017 年进入北 京航空航天大学攻读博士学位。分别于 2015 年、2019 年分别赴德国慕尼黑联邦国防军大学 和瑞典皇家理工学院作访问学者。多次参加国内外制造、仿真领域高端国际会议。近年主持 国家重点研发计划子课题 1 项,主持横纵向科研课题 20 余项。发表 SCI/EI 论文 30 余篇, 申请专利及软件著作权 10 项。“云制造”理念开创团队成员之一。国际仿真学会(SCS)会员、 中国仿真学会智能物联系统专业委员会委员、中国仿真学会会员、中国计算机学会会员。 International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 的 Guest Editor。 Frontiers in Software Technologies 的 Guest Editor 。 Cogent 、 Journal of Manufacturing Systems 、 Robotics and Computer-integrated Manufacturing 、 Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 等期刊审稿人。


  1. 鄂尔多斯市重点研发计划(纵向)子课题,高通量催化剂智能评价系统开发(YF20232317), 2023/05-2025/05,主持
  2. 深圳市莫斯信息有限公司(横向),软件定义微处理芯片功能测评技术研发(9162323417), 2023/03-2026/03,主持
  3. 中国科学院国家空间中心(横向),FLASH、SDRAM 充放电效应测试电路开发 (9162323411),2022/12-2023/12,主持
  4. 中国科学院山西煤化所(横向),智能化实验室设备虚拟化与智能化研究(9162323404), 2022/12-2023/12,主持
  5. 北京圣涛平试验工程技术研究院有限责任公司(横向),国产存储单粒子效应检测系统开 发(G20200201040),2021/12/25-2022/12/24,主持
  6. 中国科学院国家空间中心(横向),存储电路充放电效应测试电路开发(9162223404), 2021/03/15-2022/03/14,主持
  7. 珠海金山办公软件有限公司(横向),办公软件存储与交换格式标准测试(9162123422), 2021/05/01-2022/05/01,主持
  8. 北京市科委(纵向),面向云制造的数字化孪生构建方法研究(G20200201040), 2020/03/01-2022/12/01,主持
  9. 中国科学院国家空间中心(横向),基于 FPGA 的集成电路辐射效应测试电路研发,2021/03/15-2022/03/14,主持
  10. 北京航空航天大学(横向),仿真模型组件开发与测试方法及模块(9191923401), 2020/05-2021/05,主持
  11. 科技部(纵向),国家重点研发计划“复杂产品建模与仿真系统”(2018YFB1701602)的子课 题,2019/05-2022/05,主持
  12. 北京航空航天大学(横向),供应链 web 信息抓取子模块及供应链领域本体树结构解析子 模块开发(9161923410),2019/10-2020/09,主持
  13. 北京航空航天大学(横向),智能工厂环境下的多层次模型构建模块(9161823410), 2018/10-2019/09,主持
  14. 北京航空航天大学(横向),服务智能体网络建模与评估中间件(9161823411), 2018/10-2019/09,主持
  15. 中国科学院国家空间中心(纵向),器件单粒子和充放电效应测试电路开发(9141823406), 2018/05-2018/12,主持
  16. 中国民航大学(纵向),FPGA 板卡单脉冲辐照试验(9141823404),2018/03-2018/08, 在研,主持
  17. 北京通用电气华伦医疗设备有限公司(横向),Surgery Test Tunnel 项目测试设备 (9161823405),2018/01-2018/09,已结题,主持
  18. 北京圣涛平试验工程技术研究院有限责任公司(横向),单粒子效应试验监测系统开发 (9161823402),2018/01-2018/05,在研,主持


  1. Chen Z, Zhao C. SnackBot: A Modular Miniature Robot Design and Simulation[J]. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2024.
  2. Wang Y, Zhao C, Liu W, et al. Smart Laboratory: A New Smart-Manufacturing-Technologies-enabled Chemical Experiment Paradigm[C]//Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023: 455-466.
  3. Tan J, Yang H, Zhao C, et al. FPGA-Based Edge Computing Framework: Modeling of Computation Task Scheduling[C]//International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, 87240: V002T07A003
  4. Dong Q, Zhao Chun, Tian M. Study on Heterogeneous Model Framework Library for Complex System Modeling[C]//Proceedings of 2022 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume II. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022: 892-901.
  5. Shen N, Zhao Chun, Liu W, et al. A feature quantification method based on binary tree oriented for constructional frameset of heterogeneous models[C]//International Conference on Mechanisms and Robotics (ICMAR 2022). SPIE, 2022, 12331: 116-123.
  6. Shen N, Zhao Chun, Yang H. Study on Method of Extraction and Clustering of Model Construction Style[C]//Intelligent Networked Things: 5th China Conference, CINT 2022, Urumqi, China, August 7-8, 2022. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023: 357-367
  7. Zhao Y, Zhao Chun, Liu Y. FPGA-Based Hardware Modeling on Pigeon-Inspired Optimization Algorithm[C]//Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: 21st Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2022, Changsha, China, December 9-11, 2022, Proceedings, Part I. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022: 407-423.
  8. Hao Yang, Zhao Chun, Nana Shen, Wenzheng Liu, Lin Zhang. Modeling and Model-Driven of Holonomic System Based on MBSE: A Case of Internet of Things Platform[C]. //International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022
  9. Yue L, Zhao Chun. Modeling for Heterogeneous Objects based on X Language: A Modeling Method of Algorithm-hardware[J]. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2022.
  10. Xiao C, Zhao Chun. FPGA-based edge computing: Task modeling for cloud-edge collaboration[J]. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2022: 2241009
  11. Yang H, Zhao Chun, Shen N. Modeling of Internet of Things Service Platform Based on X Language[C]//Proceedings of 2021 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference. Springer, Singapore, 2022: 643-653
  12. Xiao C, Zhao Chun, Liu Y, et al. A FPGA-Based Cloud-Edge Collaboration Platform in Cloud Manufacturing[C]//International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021, 85079: V002T07A006.
  13. Yue L, Zhao Chun, Chuan X. A Modeling Method of Neural Network Activation Function Based on FPGA Multiprocessor[C]//Proceedings of 2021 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference. Springer, Singapore, 2022: 385-395
  14. Yue L, Zhao Chun, Lin Z. A modeling method of algorithm-hardware based on SysML[J]. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2021: 2250014.
  15. Zhao Chun, Xiao C, Liu Y. A Real-time Reconfigurable Edge computing System in Industrial Internet of Things Based on FPGA[C]//2021 IEEE 16th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). IEEE, 2021: 480-485.
  16. Zhao Chun, Chen M, Wang L, et al. Collaboration of smart device in cloud manufacturing: a case of active recommendation model based on service agent[J]. Adv Transdiscipl Eng, 2020, 13: 551-562.
  17. Zhao Chun, Wang L, Zhang X. Service agent networks in cloud manufacturing: Modeling and evaluation based on set-pair analysis[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2020, 65: 101970.
  18. Zhao Chun, Luo X, Zhang L. Modeling of service agents for simulation in cloud manufacturing[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2020, 64: 101910.
  19. Zhao Chun, Ren L, Zhang Z, et al. Master data management for manufacturing big data: a method of evaluation for data network[J]. World Wide Web, 2019: 1-15
  20. Zhao Chun, REN Lei, ZHANG Lin. Study on a Knowledge-based Master Data Management Method for Manufacturing Big Data[C]//Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, CIE48, Auckland, Newzland. 2018.
  21. Zhao Chun, Lin Zhang, Xiao Luo. Study on Modeling and Evaluation Method of Service-agent Network in Cloud Manufacturing[C]. // IEEE International Conference on Universal Village 2018 (UV2018). 2018.
  22. Zhao Chun, Lei Ren, Liyuanjun Lai. An Architecture of Knowledge Cloud Based on Manufacturing Big Data[C].//Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON). 2018.
  23. Zhao Chun; ZHANG Lin; ZHANG X, Agent-Based Simulation Platform for Cloud Manufacturing[J], International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, andScientific Computing, 2017.09, 08(03)
  24. Zhao Chun; Zhang, Lin, RESEARCH ON DATA GENERATION METHOD'IN CLOUD MANUFACTURING SIMULATION PLATFORM[C], 12th ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 2017.6.4-2017.6.8
  25. 赵淳; 张霖; 任磊; 陶飞, 面向云制造交易过程的仿真平台[J], 计算机集成制造系统, 2016.1.15, (01): 25~32
  26. Zhao, Chun; Zhang, Lin; Zhang, Xuesong Zhang Liang, CLOUD MANUFACTURING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BASED ON METADATA[C], 10th ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2015), Charlotte, NC, 2015.6.8-2015.6.12 (EI)
  27. Ren, Lei; Zhang, Lin; Tao, Fei; Zhao, Chun; Chai, Xudong; Zhao, Xinpei,Cloud manufacturing: from concept to practice[J], ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2015.2.17, 9(2): 186~209
  28. Ren, Lei; Zhang, Lin; Tao, Fei; Zhao, Chun; Chai, Xudong; Zhao, Xinpei,Cloud manufacturing: from concept to practice[J], ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2015.2.17, 9(2): 186~209


  1. Lin Zhang, Zhao Chun, Modeling and Simulation Based System Engineering, World Scientific, 2022.05


  1. 2022 年度中国仿真学会科学技术奖 创新技术一等奖“面向复杂产品的一体化建模仿真语言、 方法及软件”,排名第 6
  2. 2017 年智能物联系统会议优秀论文
  3. 2017 年中国仿真大会优秀论文
  4. 2017 年复杂产品先进制造会议优秀论文
  5. 2014 年中国仿真大会优秀论文


  1. 基于 SysML 的硬件算法模型构建方法, 202011393225.X
  2. 一种异构模型框架提取与匹配方法、装置及可存储介质, 202210288527.3
  3. 一种面向拉索式机器人的液态金属辅助万向节及设计方法, 202210287530.3
  4. 一种基于 FPGA 的面向微处理器测试的仿真方法及装置,202110413186.3
  5. 一种基于时空信息的文档加密解密系统及方法,202410349431.2


  1. 中国仿真学会智能物联系统建模与仿真专业委员会,副秘书长
  2. The Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS), Member
  3. 人工智能场景化应用与智能系统测评工业和信息部重点实验室学术委员会,委员
